Ilse Schrottenbach

Studio at "Werkstatt- und Ateliergemeinschaft Praterinsel München"
Steel sculptures: changeability and mulitiformity
Reliefs made from construction materials: Experiments with mass and weight
Assistence in the frame of international art projects, e.g. with members of the FLUXUS group

Opening of Studio in Vienna
Stone sculptures: How to capture simultaneity? How to snap the tipping point?
Intense drawing phase
Beginning to be interested in art therapie

since 1997
Part-time employments in the field of human ressource development
Various postgraduates in education, teaching and learning
Workshops & Symposium Psychoanalytic Art Therapy with Edith Kramer

Artist in residence in Larvik (Norway) on the recommendation of Karl Prantl
Expansion of drawing concepts

since 2006
Teaching assignment KinderUniKunst, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Workshop & Symposium "Technologies of Drawing", University of Huddersfield, UK 

Selected for the Royal Society of Sculptors as Associate Member

2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Participation Cambridge Sustainability Residency // e:collective @ Global Sustainability
Institute und Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge